Coagulogram DDX

The following table provides a summary of the results obtained using the PT, APTT, Fibrinogen and Thrombin Time in various disorders.








Table 3 summarizes the results of screening tests of patients on anticoagulant regimen.




Table 3. Effect of Anticoagulants on Conventional Coagulogram. 

Drug PT APTT TT Fibrinogen Notes
Vitamin K  Antagonists ↑/N No significant effect No effect The APTT may be prolonged in patients with INR > 2.0

Heparin (UFH)

No effect
Low Molecular  Weight Heparin (LMWH) No effect No effect May be prolonged No effect
Dabigatran ↑ – test has low sensitivity and results vary with thromboplastin used in the test ↑ in a curvilinear manner but vary with reagents used in the test No effect or factiously low A normal TT excludes significant Dabigatran levels
Apixaban No significant effect No significant effect
Edoxaban No significant effect No significant effect
Rivaroxaban ↑ – results vary with the specific thromboplastin used in the test No significant effect No significant effect
Fondaparinux No effect No clinically significant effect No significant effect No significant effect